I love to sew just about anything. I also do lots of crafts and painting shabby chic. Sewing is something I've been since I was 11 years old. I made my first quilt top out of neon cotton material back in the 60's and now my daughter is the proud owner of the quilt. I make I Spy Quilts, I Spy Bags, Tooth Fairy Pillows, girls clothing, crayon aprons, pin cushions, just about anything. Sewing just gives me peace of mind and puts me in a comfort mode.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
My Dad and my oldest Daughter Jill and her husband John and the babies Harley and Prince. My purse was a Christmas present from my youngest daughter and her boyfriend. We had a great Christmas!! Took lots of pictures and ate a lot of food!! Dad has to wear the hankie because of the radiation treatments although it's 85% better. My youngest daughter didn't want her picture shown much as 2 weeks ago she came down with Bells Palsy which paralyzed her right side of her face. Her smile is straight and her eye doesn't blink but once in a while. This should start to go away before long and she will be back to normal. Teah is still beautiful to me and to the rest of us.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Christmas memories of my Mom and loving times with my Dad then and now. I hope all my Blogging friends a very Merry Christmas and I hope to be on here blogging again soon. Love you all for your prayers and good wishes. My daughters Bells Palsy which is paralyzing the right side of her pretty 28 year old face has some pain in it. Here's hoping that's a good sign of the feeling coming back. Dad's drinking water he collected after the rain from a mineral spring which is noted in the Bible to be healing water. Praying both get better.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Dad and I in Oct. when we went to Boone on a trip. Wednesday we got the news that Dad's cancer is back and they can't do anything else to help him. Please keep our family in your prayers. Dad is my best friend and has really helped me through losing Mom 1 1/2 years ago. I'm making scrapbooks for each member of our family for Christmas. Maybe I'll put a few of the pages up later.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Last year's Christmas Quilt I made. I think I'll put it up for sale this year:)
This is what I'm making now from a Tuna can, tobacco stick and thrift store glass:)