I love to sew just about anything. I also do lots of crafts and painting shabby chic. Sewing is something I've been since I was 11 years old. I made my first quilt top out of neon cotton material back in the 60's and now my daughter is the proud owner of the quilt. I make I Spy Quilts, I Spy Bags, Tooth Fairy Pillows, girls clothing, crayon aprons, pin cushions, just about anything. Sewing just gives me peace of mind and puts me in a comfort mode.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Last year I made the girls a book about their dogs and a quilt with their dogs names on it. I had so much fun collecting the pictures and putting them on Snapfish and making the hardback book. Yes it's a real book:) The children couldn't put the books down, I bet they read it 5 times before they opened the rest of their presents. I even took them to school before I gave it to them and read it to my classroom. The children thought it was so cool and they call me an Author, how cool is that!!
Miss Minnie's is a place at Holden's Beach that I just love to go visit. They have everything from antiques to Shabby Chic and the prices are great!! Can't wait until my next visit as I also get great ideals:) Been scrapbooking a lot lately and will have to put up my buy at Michael's after Thanksgiving sale. I racked up with about 300 and some worth of stuff for about $135.00. YOU HAVE TO LOVE IT:)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Just wanted to share a great item I found. Yes it's a metal pant hanger that I hang my quilts on and I love it!!! You can hang so many different items on it like the small quilting flags that I see so many people making now. Good way to display with layers:)
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Ok so the craft show is over and I have a $184.00 in more in my pocket than when I started:) It wasn't as busy as I thought it would be but for the first time and free to set up I'm happy!! At the very end of the show I sold $40 more dollars worth which tickled me to death!! Plus 40 of it I will really get Tues. which is ok with me as I have to take 8 tooth fairy pillows to Carthage to a lady who special ordered certain ones. All in all I will say I'll do it again next year if I get the chance! Also first time to set up and to learn just what I need and what I don't need:)